🌏 🌎 Web Development Course Resources List 🌏 🌏

This is the document shared by Udemy on subscribing to the web developers course.
Source Files (Open in New Window using tag target in addition to href)

Section 1: Front-End Web Development

  1. Download the Course Syllabus
  2. App Brewery Cornell Notes Template Submarine Cable Map
  3. Google Chrome Browser (recommended) Atom Text Editor (recommended)
  4. List of Atom Plugins
  5. VS Code Text Editor (good alternative)
  6. VS Code Extensions

Section 2: Introduction to HTML

  1. HTML Cheatsheet by Stanford University
  2. Experiment with HTML code on codepen.io
  3. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on Gutenberg.org
  4. MDN documentation on headings
  5. W3Schools documentation on headings
  6. Alternative reference devdocs.io
  7. Use the Wayback Machine to find out what websites used to look like in the olden days
  8. Professor Thomas H. Cormen's Personal Site (co-author of Introduction to Algorithms)
  9. Professor John Kleinberg's Personal Site (developed the HITS algorithm for web search)
  10. Professor Emeritus Donald Knuth's Personal Site (author of the Art of Computer Programming)
  11. Useful Atom keyboard shortcuts
  12. See what the emmet package can do on their cheat sheet
  13. List of UTF-8 characters
  14. See encoding differences on Windows symbol charts (e.g., Greek vs Arabic)
  15. See all unicode characters with a map on unicode-table.com
  16. Joel Spolsky on the absolute minimum any developer needs to know about unicode
  17. Difference between the HTML5 emphasis vs italicise tags Hyperlinks and the Wikigame
  18. Stanford HTML Cheatsheet
  19. A beautiful example of an online CV by Pascal Van Gemert

Section 3: Intermediate HTML

  1. Pascal Van Gemert's Online CV
  2. MDN Table Documentation
  3. MDN Form Documentation
  4. Common Form Inputs: React.js

  5. MDN Input Documentation
  6. Publish your website using Github Pages

Section 4: Introduction to CSS

  1. Stanford CSS Cheatsheet
  2. Toasty Technology classic 90s Style Website
  3. Sean Halpin's beautiful personal website
  4. MDN documentation on background colour
  5. Curated colour palettes on colorhunt.co
  6. Colour palette used in lectures
  7. Table of named colours on MDN
  8. Overview of default CSS applied by the browser
  9. MDN documentation on border-styles
  10. devdocs.io on CSS height
  11. W3Schools documentation on CSS Text
  12. Download the Debugging Problem Starting Files
  13. Download the Bacon Fan Site Starting Files
  14. MDN CSS Reference
  15. Emojipedia broccoli emoji
  16. CSS Properties and Pseudoclasses Reference (MDN)
  17. MDN :hover Documentation

Section 5: Intermediate CSS

  1. Sean Halpin's beautiful personal website
  2. Create a Favicon with favicon.cc
  3. My colours from colorhunt
  4. Markus Vogl Interactive Box Model Demo
  5. Download the CSS-My Site Images
  6. Is the img element block level or inline level?
  7. MDN margin documentation
  8. W3Schools documentation on Web Safe Fonts
  9. cssfontstack.com
  10. Google Fonts
  11. Download the StubCode.html file
  12. Lorem Ipsum Generator
  13. flaticon.com
  14. giphy.com
  15. MDN CSS color property documentation
  16. MDN font-weight documentation css3buttongenerator.com
  17. Completed Personal Site Project

Section 6: Introduction to Bootstrap 4

Section 7: Intermediate Bootstrap

Section 8: Web Design School - Create a Website that People Love

Section 9: Javascript

Section 10: Intermediate Javascript Randomness -video by Khan Academy

Section 11: The Document Object Model (DOM)

Section 12: Boss Level Challenge 1 - The Dicee Game

Section 13: Advanced Javascript and DOM Manipulation

Section 16: The Unix Command Line

Section 18: Node.js

Section 19: Express.js with Node.js

Section 20: APIs - Application Programming Interfaces

Section 21: Git, Github and Version Control

Section 22: EJS

Section 23: Boss Level Challenge 3 - Blog Website

Section 24: Databases

Section 25: SQL

Section 26: MongoDB

Section 27: Mongoose

Section 28: Putting Everything Together

Section 29: Deploying Your Web Application Sign up and deploy a free cluster with MongoDB Atlas

Section 30: Boss Level Challenge 4 - Blog Website Upgrade

Section 31: Build Your Own RESTful API from Scratch

Section 32: Authentication & Security

Section 33: React.js